Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Exploding the Flipped Classroom

What's Happening at LBCC

 When I "took the job" of Faculty Fellow in Technology, I was given the freedom to create much of it.  The job description read "encourage innovation".  That meant not only following my own intuition and knowledge about technology and teaching, but like Disraeli, following my colleagues. 

I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?
Benjamin Disraeli

Faculty at LBCC have always been creative.  Find the time to innovate our teaching is the challenge.  Full teaching loads, advising, and committee work challenge our energy limits.  
Still, the will exists.  My job is to support and encourage the innovation related to technology.  The interest and work toward "flipping the classroom" is exploding at LBCC.  

There are dozens of faculty (from every possible discipline) exploring this methodology.
Multiple discussions are occurring around campus within department meetings, public demonstrations, and informal conversations.  Click here for upcoming "flipping" discussions.  Contact me if you know of an activity that belongs on this calendar. And I'd be glad to come to your gathering to lead or participate in a discussion.

This is my favorite flipping resource. Dan Spencer shares this google doc worldwide and everyone has commenting rights.  He  has "chapters" on lots of related topics and he includes a little summary of every resource he shares (so you get his opinion on it before going to the website).  I'm one of 660 folks who follow him on Google +.  Great articles!

Here is my personal folder of flipping resources that I am creating as I work with LBCC faculty and staff.