Friday, October 3, 2014

Luxury or Necessity?
Two weeks ago speaker Scott Hanselman suggested that to be most effective at work, one could (should?) take an hour each Friday to reflect upon the week.

That’s one of those ideas that makes me crazy.   I don’t have an hour a week to clean my kitchen, much less to reflect.   What if my peers saw me? Wouldn't my colleagues think that I was incredibly spoiled, taking time to “reflect”?

But, to be honest, I require it of my students; I tell them it will make them better teachers. Reflective teachers learn from their experiences, evolve, and improve. Over and over, to my beginning pre-Education students I urge them to reflect; I require them to reflect; I grade them on reflection.  

So, here I go. I scheduled it on my calendar a week ago.  I looked forward to this hour with pleasure.  And then I got here and didn’t know what to do.  Did not know what to do. Time to change my modus operandi.

First thing, leave my office. Start walking in the beautiful sunshine.  Get away from the computer and the list of tasks.  Who can I go visit?  I’m sure Scott would like a visit, a distraction. Oh, wait. I’m supposed to be reflecting, not socializing.  Well, couldn’t Scott and I talk about my work reflection?  Ummmm.  More likely we’ll joke and scheme about getting away from work.  Bad idea.

Keep walking.  If I’m going to reflect, what is the framework I will use?  I can think of several:
  • what worked this week, what didn’t?  
  • what did I get done, what didn’t?
I like going more big picture than that:
  • what progress did I make toward overarching goals?
  • did I live and work in sync with my principles?
  • have I ended the week with a feeling of satisfaction and peace?
  • don’t I need to email Paul the minute I get back to my office?  ooooh….oops, fell into  problem -solving.  Got to get back to reflection.

Back to my office.  I reflect better when I write.   Meanwhile, I email Paul (sometimes getting something out of your “psychic weight inbox” is worth it).  Then, back to reflection. Yes, but this reflection is turning into a blog post. Is that the same as reflection?  

For this week, it will be. For this week, I’ve reminded myself of the value of reflection.  I’ve reminded myself of my efforts to work with strength and peace. I’ve reminded myself that I am developing habits that help me achieve goals, rather than to putting out every fire.  And next week I’ll reflect again.  

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